What is a dental implant? What is the dental implant process?
Dental implants are biocompatible screws that are the best solution to restoring a toothless area without using the support of your natural teeth. Implants have the same anatomic effect as the sub-surface of natural teeth. This means that implants preserve the bone structure and provide functional strength. The process of having implants consists of two stages.
At the first stage, implants are surgically placed by opening the gum and screwed into the bone. Depending on the health of the bone, existing infection, sinus invasion and past extraction trauma, bone grafts may be required to increase the surface area of bone-to-implant for the healing process. Bone grafts are also used to increase the bone structure and repair previous traumas and infection areas. Sometimes the sinuses of either side of the upper jaw invades the bone structure and so a sinus lift treatment is applied to create more bone structure for the implants. A small opening is made in the bone structure and bone graft material is placed, lifting the sinus. Sinus lift and bone graft treatments increase the minimum healing time from 3 months to 6 months before another appointment is set.
In the second phase, the gums are opened to assess the healing of the implants applied. The surgeon makes his assessment and if healing has completed, then the patient moves on to have a prosthesis attached.
Why is dental implant performed?
Dental implants are the most preferred modern treatment method which best imitates the root of a tooth. It is the healthiest, long term solution to a number of issues. Implants drastically reduce the loss of bone structure over time, providing structure for crowns and fixed-dentures. There are two main methods to restore a tooth in a missing area. Dental bridge and implant. The advantage of using an implant is, there’s no need to damage surrounding teeth to fix a dental bridge. Other than diet choices, and good oral hygiene habits, there is no special after care once the implants have healed and are functional.
What makes a patıent a good candıdate for implants?
Generally if a patient has missing teeth it’s always a good idea to have implants. Having missing teeth can make certain areas difficult to chew food and so we compensate but chew on other certain areas. This creates an uneven bite force, making a select few teeth responsible for the chewing of food. This places extra stress on these teeth causing increased sensitivity and wear. Long-term, this habit can lead to more missing teeth. With implants, an evenly distributed bite force and closure can be attained. The lifetime of our natural teeth are extended and the probability of further oral conditions is reduced.
If patients are noticing receding gums, wobbly teeth, teeth falling out, the inability to eat hard foods. Then it may be a sign that patients are experiencing bone loss. When the bone recedes away from the teeth then stability is compromised and teeth begin to feel loose and fall out eventually. Diet, medications, hormone changes, and gum disease are the leading factors of bone loss. When the x-rays are assessed and an intra oral examination is performed, the doctor may suggest having teeth extracted with less than 30% connection with bone structure. These patients are then suggested implants for crowns or fixed dentures to regain a confident, healthy smile. Bone loss is very common to see in all on 4 and all on 6 patients.
How is dental implant done/ how is dental implant performed?
The doctor uses computer software of the patients x-ray and tomography to find the best placement of implants. The patient relaxes in the dental chair and within sterile conditions. The surgeon and assistants sterilise their hands, wear gloves, masks, surgical gowns, hair nets and sterilise the patients mouths, inside and out. The treatment may begin. The maxillofacial surgeon applies local anaesthesia for a pain free operation. The gingiva (gum) is opened and bone exposed. The surgeon prepares the implant socket with the help of dental drills to the appropriate size and diameter. The implant is placed in the prepared socket with a little bit of bone graft. The gingiva is then closed with dissolvable stitches. The stitches disappear in 7 to 10 days.
Is dental implant safe?
Dental implants are produced of a titanium alloy which is highly biocompatible with the human body. The rate of allergy or tissue reaction is negligibly low. So dental implants are a very safe material for humans.
How painful is getting a dental implant? Is dental implant surgery painful?
Contrary to popular belief, implant surgery is not a painful procedure. These surgeries are performed completely painlessly with local anaesthetic use. By special request and extra measures, general anaesthesia is possible. It is not suitable nor recommended for all patients. After surgery, patients will take a course of antibiotics combined with painkillers as required and non-alcoholic mouthwash. Over the course of a week post-operation, pain and inflammation can greatly be reduced by following the doctor's advice and allowing for lots of rest.
How dental implants work?
Titanium-based implants are placed in toothless areas or where a tooth is extracted immediately. Due to the biocompatibility technologies of modern implants, they are expected to integrate with the bone. An abutment or otherwise known as a healing cap is attached to the top of the implant. The abutment allows for a temporary prosthesis to be fitted. And later, a permanent prosthesis is attached after the healing stage. The implant offers the structure required for a prosthesis to be stable and functional. The dental bridge is another technique to use existing structure for stability and function, however may not be suitable, depending on the patient’s needs.
How long do dental implants last?
Although dental implants are designed to replace the missing tooth for a lifetime, they have an average lifespan of 20-25 years. Depending on the patient's oral hygiene, habits such as clenching, grinding, smoking, and accompanying systemic diseases such as diabetes and even hormones and certain medications affect the lifespan.
Are all dental implants the same?
The two types of implants Dentares have available are the endosteal implants being the most common, and the zygoma implant. Endosteal implants are fitted and then fused over time to the jawbone. Whereas the zygoma implants are only used when patients have no available jawbone structure, so the zygoma implants are fitted to the cheekbone.
There are many reputable brands on the global market for dental implants. Dentares uses a variety of Globally-known quality implant brands that have a balanced cost-effectiveness for our patients. We use NTA®, Global D®, Camlog iSy® and Straumann® dental implants.
NTA® implant is a brand of Pilatus Swiss Dental Gmbh, headquartered in Switzerland. NTA Implant produces two types of implants with accessories as “Screw Type” and “Press-fit” under the brands of Nta Implant, Nta Shorter Implant, Nta Shorter Plus Implant and Nta Hybrid Implant. The company has 35 years of experience in the dental market
Global D® is a French implant company that is also one of a handful of companies with a Clean Implant Certification, 100% titanium. Global D has an immediate loading capacity technology. A tooth is able to be extracted and an implant placed within the extraction socket in the same appointment. Global D also has another immediate loading feature that allows an implant to be placed and a crown loaded in the same visit. This is dependent on the condition of the patient’s oral status. Most abutments attach to the implant head by a screw connection. Global D’s differ by having cold fusion technology whereby an abutment can be placed by a locking mechanism making replacing less invasive and quicker.
Camlog® is a leading supplier of premium dental implant systems, restorative components, regenerative and digital solutions. Many years of scientific research and development experience, high quality standards, a prime price-performance ratio based on partnership, and practice-oriented value-added services have made Camlog a top address in implantology. CAMLOG Biotechnologies GmbH is based in Basel/Switzerland. The production of all Camlog products is carried out exclusively by ALTATEC GmbH in Wimsheim/Germany. The iSy® Implant System showcases its features in a number of situations. Designed for maximum efficiency, it covers a broad range of indications. iSy Implants are slightly conical, self-tapping screw implants. They enable easy insertion through self-centering and achieve solid primary stability, while the proven Promote® surface ensures rapid osseointegration and long-term stable bone apposition.
Straumann® is the most long-standing established implant brand globally since 1954. Making Straumann the most reputable brand on the market for quality and reliability. Implants also have SLActive technologies, immediate loading technologies. Straumann also delivers two very different implant choices. Full zirconia dental implants are now available, which has the added aesthetic and non-corrosion benefits of titanium-based implants
Reputation should be the most important factor in deciding which implant is best for you. You want a brand that will last your lifetime; and if something does happen, that company is still alive to replace it with their offered warranty. The more technologies that are packed into the design of implants, increases the biocompatibility, compressive strength, stability and overall lifetime.
What are zygoma implants?
Zygoma implants are specialised implants that are fixed to the cheekbones where there is no available jawbone structure. This is due to advanced bone loss. Bone loss can happen due to many reasons, genetic predisposition, diet, medications, lifestyle choices, and lack of attention to oral hygiene practices and avoiding the dentist for long periods of time. That is why it is important to get panoramic x-rays taken once every 1 to 2 years. And regular hygiene cleans 2 times a year, so that you can be aware of changes in your oral condition and what to do about it on recommendation of your doctor.
Zygoma implants are specialised for the cheekbone structure and so require a different procedure than regular endosteal implants. The main changes are that zygoma implant treatment must be performed in a Hospital under general anaesthesia provided the patient has healthy blood work. The doctor will have taken your x-rays and 3D tomography to plan the exact measurements and placement of the zygoma implants. Due to the surgical nature of this procedure, the price is expensive in contrast to regular implants. If you think you may require zygoma treatment, have a panoramic x-ray and/or 3D tomography taken at your local clinic and send these to our dental team. Our Doctors are able to review and provide a quoted treatment plan.
All on 4 and all on 6 dental implants treatment
The all on 4 and all on 6 implant system is a technique of applying implants in a specific way to successfully attach a prosthesis for the patient. The all on 4 system is used when it is observed patients no longer have suitable bone structure at the back of their jaws. So 2 implants are placed vertically, and 2 implants placed diagonally in the anterior (front) region.
The all on 6 system is used when patients are observed to have restorable or suitable bone structure at the anterior and posterior (back) regions. So 6 evenly spaced implants are placed vertically to the jaw.
Full Mouth Dental Implants Treatment
The all on 4 and all on 6 implant systems are considered full mouth dental implant treatments. In rare cases, up to 8 implants can be used for full mouth restorations. Visit the all on 4/6 treatment page here.
What are same day dental implants? What is an immediate dental implant?
Immediate implant and same day implant basically refer to the same treatment protocol. If there is no advanced infection in the gingiva (gum) or bone after tooth extraction and the bone dimensions are sufficient, the implants are placed into the extraction socket and called immediate implants. Not all implants have immediate loading capacity technologies. So that’s why Dentares only uses implants with immediate loading capacity technologies.
What is an abscess?
An abscess is a collection of pus caused by a bacterial infection usually in the bone structure and between the root of teeth. Multiple abscesses are able to exist at the same time with or without pain. Most people are unaware of oral abscesses. These are surgically treated by extracting the infected tooth and removing the infected bone tissue. Then disinfected and bone graft is then placed into the area to aid in the repair of missing bone tissue. Depending on the severity and number of abscesses, 3 to 6 months is required for the bone tissue and bone graft to fully heal with the aid of a course of antibiotics immediately after treatment as a preventative measure. Once fully healed, an implant is an appropriate treatment to replace missing teeth.
Will I Need Bone Grafting Before Dental Implants?
Bone grafts are an exceptional modern treatment to build bone structure, enhance implant integration and replace small areas in the bone structure where an infection or tooth was removed. Depending on the amount used, natural bone tissue integration with bone graft material can take 3 to 6 months. Bone graft is measured and priced in cc’s (cubic centimetres). If used to increase the available bone structure in a sinus lift treatment, implant treatment is now appropriate to apply. After an implant is placed, it may be necessary in some cases to apply a bone graft around the implant and in the extraction socket.
Will I Need Sinus lifting Before Dental Implants?
People have a sinus either side of the nasal channel that, over time, can invade the bone structure on the upper jaw. If bone is receding away from the teeth and the sinus is invading, it is a battle against time to stop or delay anymore bone loss before implant treatment is no longer appropriate in this region. In mild cases of sinus invasion and bone loss, a sinus lift treatment may be appropriate for you. By carefully lifting the sinus and placing bone graft material underneath. Natural bone is able to consolidate, increasing the bone structure available for implants to successfully integrate. Depending on the patient’s condition, sinus lift, bone graft and implants may all be able to be placed in one visit. This is not always possible, however options will be discussed during the initial consultation.
What is membrane?
A barrier membrane is used in some bone graft treatments to keep the bone graft in place and the membrane keeps soft tissue and bone tissue separate. The invasion of soft tissue into a bone graft area slows down the already slow reproductive reabsorption of bone tissue. Dentares uses a dissolvable membrane that is absorbed by the body over a month so the treatment area does not need to be reopened.
How long do dental implants take to heal? How can I make my dental implant heal faster?
Patients are required to wait a minimum healing time after implant surgery of 3 to 6 months depending if bone graft or sinus lift treatments are applied. There is nothing the patient can do to speed up this period, but providing good oral hygiene, not smoking and paying attention to the diet prevent the delay of recovery.
What is dental implant material?
The world standard material for implants is titanium alloy although there are brands making with zirconia-based implants. Titanium is proven to be the best material for implants due to its tissue compatibility, resilience to chewing forces and its successful application for years.
How to prepare for dental implant surgery? Before dental implant - What can I expect before implant surgery?
There are a few things patients can expect before implant surgery. The first visit process takes 3-4 days to complete. Patients that haven’t sent a full medical history to the clinic, including photos and x-rays can expect changes in their treatment plan upon arrival. It’s happened before that patients believe they have a reasonably healthy oral status. But when panoramic x-rays and tomography is taken, as entry policy before treatments begin, the Doctor can point out multiple infection sites, loose teeth, sinus invasion, and bone loss for example. To avoid shock, patients that haven’t informed the clinic of a full medical history should mentally prepare for an intensive assessment of their oral health status. It can take hours, days or months for patients to digest the information and move past the shock of the newly-informed oral health status. Mental preparation will allow the patient to have a more accepting perspective to treatment and healing processes.
During dental implant - What happens during dental implant surgery?
Although some patients will feel nervous about the implant surgery, it’s actually quite simple and finished within 1.5 to 3 hours. Typical all on 4 or all on 6 implant treatment takes 1.5 to 2 hours. The patient is given local anaesthesia which eliminates pain. This is distinctive from sedation. The patient is aware of sights, sounds and vibrations of dental tools.
After dental implant - What can I expect after implant surgery?
Your surgeon will inform you post-surgery after-care instructions and medication usage. Patients can expect leakage, facial swelling, discolouration, redness or whiteness of the gums, and mild discomfort in the first 72 hours after surgery. After 72 hours these symptoms start to gradually decrease and by the end of the first week, most symptoms are expected to disappear. Before the end of your dental holiday, the surgeon will complete a check-up with the patient. The doctor will be looking for signs of healing, then wash and disinfect the soutres.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of dental implants?
Dental implants prevent the position of surrounding teeth from changing and tilting. Implants prevent the reabsorption of bone in the area they are applied. The bite force and load on surrounding teeth is reduced by equally distributing over a full set of teeth. So by having implants, no specific area is made responsible for almost all biting, chewing and grinding. This in turn, will prolong the lifetime of your natural teeth. This is why Dentares recommends full mouth restoration.
Crowns made for the implants can be made to the same colour as a patient’s natural tooth or along the colour grade of their smile makeover. So the implant is unidentifiable from your natural teeth.
Having implants means that patients will need to wait 3 to 6 months with no permanent crowns in place. Implants can be expensive, however very affordable at Dentares than in places like the UK. Patients will follow the hygiene advice of the doctor to ensure their implants heals and integrates with the bone in the best possible way. This means actively caring and attending to small changes, cleaning and so on.
How do dental implants compare with other types of tooth replacement?
A dental bridge is another method of replacing a tooth but in the long term, is inferior. A dental implant will outlast a bridge and the implant reduces the risk of bone loss. Unfortunately with bridges, over time, the bone below recedes and may make it difficult or impossible for implant surgery in the future.
Implants allow for a fixed prosthesis rather than the conventional removable denture that wears out the natural teeth it connects to.
Implants are much more advantageous in terms of aesthetics, function, phonation, stability and usability.
What is the success rate in dental implant treatment?
When statistically evaluating the success rate of implants, results are drawn from the 10-year survival rate. Implants have approximately a 94-95% success rate. There are personal factors such as oral hygiene, systemic diseases, medications, diet and smoking which can alter the success rate.
What happens during a dental implant evaluation?
The same as an initial consultation where a patient's best treatment plan is given and discussed. A patient’s medical history, systemic health, x-rays, tomograph, and an intraoral exam is performed. Considering these factors, the doctor is then able to give an evaluation of the candidacy for implant treatment. Bone density and hardness is not yet detectable by modern technologies. So the surgeon may decide to adjust the treatment during the surgery based on their experience and expertise.
An example of this could be that a patient presented with thick, sizable bone making an initial assessment easy for implant candidacy. However when performing the surgery, the doctor may notice the bone is soft and malleable. He may choose to place bone graft in with the implant for increased rate of successful implantation.
Can dental implants cause health problems? What are the risks of dental implants? (Surgical Complications)
Although rare, local complications that may occur during dental implant surgery are: nerve injury that may result in numbness; but is usually temporary, sinus or nasal floor injuries and excessive bleeding. Complications that may arise after surgery are: infection and failure of the implant to integrate with the bone.
How many dental implants do I need?
Every patient has different needs and so requires a personalised approach. After the assessment of a patient's intraoral exam, x-rays and tomography; the amount of implants becomes clear. In cases that the patient is edentulous, between 4 and 6 implants are required in both jaws when the bone structure is sufficient.
Why should I choose Turkey for dental implant surgery?
There are many advantages for you to have your dental treatment in Turkey. One of the most important factors is cost. Due to the economic conditions of Turkey in recent years, dentistry in Turkey compared to western countries has caused a significant price point advantage.
Because of this advantage, Turkish doctors have been able to hone their dental skills with consistent treatments and surgeries. At Dentares Smile Clinic, specialist doctors are assigned for each stage of treatment, ensuring patients are tended to by experts for each treatment, every step of the way.
Hosting has been a long-standing tradition of Turkish culture and so our patients always feel safe and cared for. Whether it’s the VIP transfer service, clinic, physicians, staff, or our boutique and 5 star Hotels. Our patients can feel comfortable everywhere they go.
How do I take care of dental implants?
After implant surgery is completed, it’s very important to follow the doctor's instructions and advice very strictly not only for the best healing, but also to reduce post-surgery symptoms like swelling, pain and bleeding.
Medications must be taken as instructed and patients must refrain from the consumption of alcohol during the 5-day course of antibiotics appointed. Antibiotics are provided as a preventative measure against infection.
Getting a full nights’ rest is underrated. Sleep allows the body to transport healing factors to the trauma area, reduce blood pressure, and regulate hormones.
Eating a diet rich in nutrients, protein and vitamins is essential for the body to repair itself. Bone broth and fish have great macro and micro nutrients that can assist healing. Vitamin supplementation can be considered. Without adequate nutrition, healing can be delayed; allowing for an increased risk of infection.
Dental hygiene habits are more important than ever. Brushing with a soft bristled brush three times a day after meals, flossing between teeth, and regular use of a non-alcoholic mouthwash will keep bad bacteria and food particles away from the implant sight.
It is just as important to do these things as it is to AVOID doing the following:
Smoking. Cigarette smoke restricts vascular circulation to the gums and so vital nutrients and antibodies aren’t able to make it to the implant area. Smoking will lead to a failed implant or worse, an infection. We can recommend nicotine patches to curb the desire to smoke.
Don’t wear your temporary denture for longer than 5-7 hours a day. Especially in all-on-4 and 6 cases. It’s also recommended not to use the temporary dentures at all for the first month where possible. Temporary dentures are actually not designed for functionality, rather aesthetic. This is to ensure that the implants are protected against bite forces and still give the patient confidence in public.
Avoid playing with the implants out of curiosity, especially with fingers. With implantation comes a new sensation and human nature craves to explore these new sensations. Your fingers will carry bacteria to the implant site, and your tongue could dislodge the implant. Leave it alone to heal.
Alcohol causes oral dehydration, dilates the capillaries, and interrupts a process called osseointegration. Dehydration and dilation increases swelling and can lead to blood clots, leading to necrosis of the capillary. Affecting the transport of nutrients and healing factors to the implant area. Osseointegration is the process of bone to implant integration. The bone tissue grows into the microscopic pores and enhanced surface areas of the implant. So Alcohol will have a direct impact on the healing of implant treatments.
Stress. When the human body has no healthy way of dissipating our stress, some people develop bruxism. The condition of grinding or clenching our teeth, often very powerfully, during our sleep. If the patient has bruxism, the strong forces can lead to implant failure. A masseter botox injection may be required for bruxism cases. The masseter is a muscle of our jaw responsible for this grinding and clenching.
Will I still need dental cleanings and exams?
An oral exam and cleaning every 6 months is highly recommended. Regular dental checkups will ensure oral problems that may occur around the implant are evaluated and prevented by the dentist. Dental cleanings and exams will improve the lifetime of natural teeth also; delaying bone loss and the need for implant treatment.
We offer a wide range of dental treatments, including implants, veneers, teeth whitening, root canal treatments, and orthodontic care.
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