Dental Inlays/Onlays
Dentares Smile Clinic offers modern restoration methods such as the dental inlay/onlay
treatment that is cost-effective and aesthetic. It’s Dentares’ primary concern to ensure all
inlays/onlays treatments are functional and aesthetic at a cost-effective price. Amalgam is a
silver alloy filling material traditionally used for these treatments. But with the introduction of
colour-matchable composite resins, inlays/onlays appear natural and aesthetic. Inlay and
onlay restorations can be produced fast with CEREC composite or within 1-2 days with
What is Dental Inlays/Onlays?
Dental inlays/onlays in Turkey are dental restorations that partially cover decayed parts of
teeth. An inlay is bigger than a dental filling and covering the centre of the tooth. An onlay is
bigger than an inlay, covering the centre and topside or multiple sides of a tooth. The onlay
can be considered a partial crown.
CEREC filling material or Emax material can be used to stabilise the integrity and aesthetic
of teeth suffering from decay. CEREC is an acronym that stands for Chairside Economical
Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic. Bacteria and food particles can penetrate the tooth's
enamel and over time invade the dentin and pulp of the tooth slowly compromising the
integrity of the tooth. This can be incredibly painful depending on the advancement of decay.
So the dentist removes infected tissue and replaces it with an inlay or onlay depending on
the area of decay. If a patient presents with decay all around the tooth, then a crown could be
a more suitable treatment.
Generally, inlays/onlays are given to premolars and molars whereas incisors are treated with
crowns or veneers.
Who is suitable for Dental Inlays/Onlays?
A patient that presents with multiple cavities affecting individual teeth above the gingiva
(gum) line that has not yet caused decay to enter the root nerve canal. Patients will
experience pain and sensitivity and know that a cavity is forming and so need to increase
their oral hygiene practices and see a dentist. If the decay has entered the root nerve canal,
then a root treatment may be required to stop sensitivity before inlay onlay treatment
completion. A root treated tooth can change colour over time and the integrity is
compromised. So in these conditions, a dental onlay or dental crown is a more appropriate
Dental fillings are an appropriate treatment for children and adults. All dentists can apply a
dental filling but for a more appropriate service, caries treatment can be completed by a
paediatric dentist (doctor specialising in children's oral treatments).
How are Dental Inlays/Onlays in Turkey performed?
Dental inlays/onlays in Turkey can be treated in 1 - 2 appointments. For a relaxed and pain-
free experience, local anaesthesia is applied during treatment. To avoid approximal collateral
damage, barrier materials are set up between neighbouring teeth. The dentist then uses
special dental tools to remove decayed enamel and dentin.
In a CEREC case, composite resin is mixed with ceramic or glass dust to provide durability
and applied to the treatment area in small amounts. Each small amount is pressed into place
and smoothed over to remove air pockets then cured by an ultraviolet light. Curing hardens
the resin and happens within a few seconds so applying filling material can be completed
within a few minutes. The final layer is textured to resemble a natural tooth.
If a porcelain or emax inlay/onlay is preferred, the preparation process is the same. However
a temporary inlay/onlay is produced and put in place. The porcelain or emax is then
CAD/CAM produced by laboratory technicians and returned to the clinic. The patient arrives
for their second appointment. The dentist removes the temporary inlay/onlay and places the
new porcelain or emax inlay/only and is cemented in place using a strong dental adhesive.
Articulating paper strips are used to highlight high contact areas in the functionality of the
built up composite filling. Higher areas will disrupt the functionality so the dentist can reduce
the size until perfect functionality is achieved.
Dental Inlays/Onlays Types
Dental inlays and onlays in Turkey can be CEREC composite glass-infused resin, porcelain
or emax. Composite materials are able to be placed immediately. However the porcelain or
emax materials need to be CAM produced and placed on the second appointment.
What is better: Dental Inlays/Onlays or a Crown?
Whether to have an inlay/onlay or crown in Turkey is dependent on the degree of
compromised integrity to the tooth. When a tooth has multiple cavities, either method is
appropriate. Crowns required a full exposed tooth preparation compared to an inlay/onlay
which is considered a partial crown. A crown will completely cover the tooth and protect it
from further cavity formation. Whereas an inlay/onlay can only protect the area it covers. So
the patient should be aware of the pros & cons along with the doctors’ recommendation to
help decide what is the right choice for them.
How long does Inlays/Onlays last?
Inlays and onlays are expected to last the same time as their crown counterparts. Inlay and
onlays can be expected to last 10 to 15 years. However, composite resins have a 1-2%
porosity which means it is susceptible to staining and discolouration over time.
When is the Inlay/Onlay changed?
And Inlay/onlay can be changed when there is further caries damage to the natural tooth. If
the inlay or onlay becomes chipped or broken in anyway that would expose the natural tooth.
If the patient decides on having additional aesthetic treatment such as crowns. Or if the
inlay/onlay has lived its lifetime and there are obvious wear marks and chipping or grinding
that would indicate a replacement is necessary.
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